Thursday, June 4, 2020

How does Remote Help Desk Technical Support work?

Hiring remote technical support can be a question for many companies. Therefore, it is always good to know how technical support works.

Did you know?
Renowned companies specializing in technology that show that remote service can be as efficient as a face-to-face service.

To find out how technical support works, we've separated some information:

You have certainly been poorly answered on the phone, this is inevitable.
It is always good to remember that remote technical support is not telemarketing, remote technical support is specialized service.

In addition to being a fast and efficient telephone service, the solution to problems that arise at any time of the day is guaranteed.

Remote technical support is considered to be the fastest, does not leave the customer waiting on the line and does not make him call more than once to be answered.
The company always has an employee available so that customers do not wait.

Very practical, it solves the customer's problems in just one call. It brings 97% customer satisfaction.

But what about when my employee goes on vacation or is absent?

These are concerns that you will not have with remote technical support, as a huge advantage is constant service. Therefore, you do not have to worry about the absence of employees, service is guaranteed.

Breaking taboos
Remote technical support has been breaking taboos over the years, making remote service a more effective solution tool than face-to-face service.

The advantage is that remote technical support does not depend on just one person, and problems such as traffic, vacations, illnesses, accidents do not interfere with its operation.

You will no longer have to worry about solving your problems in the long term, you will have your results close at hand.

And some say that the remote technical support service is a great representation of a more practical future.
The costs of companies will be reduced, bringing expenses only if it is really necessary.
And everything will be solved by phone in a simple and much faster way.

More info:  helpdesk jobs

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

What is help desk?

Help desk is a term in English that literally means "help desk" and refers to a customer service that seeks solutions, clarification on doubts and other requests for technical problems related to telephony, computers, information technology or still pre and post sales.

The help desk service centralizes the receipt of customer requests, which facilitates answers and problem solving. This service can be performed both within a company, and externally with the provision of services to users through a call center or event management system.

As it is a flexible service system, the work can be done both in person and through communication systems, such as e-mail, telephone, forum and different other means of communication. New methods of providing services to users and customers are adopted by companies every year, such as service through smartphone applications for electronics manufacturers.

The help desk also receives several other denominations, such as SAC, Service Desk (which has a wider coverage than the help desk), Service Center and others, although there are some that have their own peculiarities in the relationship and customer service.

The professionals trained to answer customer requests are called help desk analysts or attendants and involve people from different areas, such as telemarketing attendants, company assistants and even employees of lan houses. Despite the numerous areas, the objective is always to work on clarifying, maintaining and managing products and services.

The help desk service is basically divided into three service levels. The first is divided into two parts: solver and driver. The solver is able to solve the customer's problem by providing information and clarification, which is the easiest and most practical part of the help desk. The director is the party responsible for receiving the problem, recording details of the occurrence and forwarding it to a sector that has greater knowledge about the request.

The second level of help desk assistance houses a team with more knowledge about the problems presented. This means that the first level attendant was unable to resolve the ticket and needed to connect the customer to a next level of help.

The third level of assistance consists of specialists with more capacity to solve the problem, above the professionals of the first two levels. These may be the manufacturers and developers of certain software and hardware, in addition to contract consultants and other types of professionals.

Read More: help desk it jobs

Monday, June 1, 2020

skills for IT help desk technician

Effectively thinking: Technicians utilize their insight, experience, information, and inventiveness to investigate an issue and distinguish an answer.

Addressing: Critical scholars frequently ask themselves inquiries about an issue or issue, and afterward search out the appropriate response. While investigating, specialists recognize a hypothesis of a reasonable justification and afterward endeavor to approve the hypothesis.

Evolving points of view: Solutions are regularly increasingly evident when an expert takes a gander at an issue from an alternate point of view, for example, that of a client.

Assessing proof: The basic scholar can utilize motivation to assess existing realities and land at a validated end.

Composed Communication 

Compelling composed correspondence is essential in help work area and specialized help work jobs, particularly in associations that utilization an information base or CRM (client relationship the board) framework. Professionals go through these frameworks to look normal issues and arrangements. All together for these databases to be helpful, specialists should compactly record their activities after they settle an issue. Chiefs and managers additionally utilize these frameworks to audit and assess your work for advancements.

Undivided attention 

Undivided attention is among the most important relational abilities. Consider when you were conversing with a companion and it was evident the person wasn't focusing. How did that cause you to feel? Disregarded? Irate? Angry? Clients know when you aren't tuning in to them and have similar sentiments.

Attentive people focus on what somebody is stating; they look, gesture and at times voice their comprehension. At the point when they don't get something, they pose inquiries to get explanation (sans intruding). Little subtleties like this in the manner you connect with individuals, when assumed control over some undefined time frame, go far in building a positive association with clients, colleagues and the board.

Verbal Communication 

Verbal relational abilities are basic to your prosperity as an assistance work area specialist. For instance, a client may whine of something dubious like "The server is down" or "The Internet is down." A specialist may realize an association has more than one server and it's far-fetched the Internet is down, so he needs to accumulate more data to analyze the issue.

Hard skills can get you the job, but soft skills will help you take it to the next level. Finding desk jobs near me

Saturday, May 30, 2020

IT Help Desk Technician: Definition, Job Outlook, Skills and More!

The typical each day duties and competencies required for IT help desk technicians consist of the following. Computer assist technician:

  • Diagnose pc errors and offer technical support.
  • Solve software program, hardware and network problems.
  • Tell end-users the way to configure and use new technologies.
  • Make a backup and repair the documents and information structures of an organisation.
  • Install, configure and update PC software program and operating systems.
  • Repair pc hardware, such as printers, keyboards.
  • Remote technicians at the IT assist table provide technical assistance through cellphone or the Internet.
  • Remote help desk technicians regularly use special assist table help software to take manipulate of end-user computers and resolve issues, diagnose and remedy complicated difficulties.

Help Desk Technician: Typical obligations

Stage 3

  • Investigate and clear up the most tough and complex problems that other ranges of the help desk couldn't clear up
  • Analyze and detect traits in problem reports and preventive solutions.
  • Support different service employees in the analysis and determination of hardware and software program issues

Stage 2

  • Solve more complex troubles that require detailed know-how of the gadget and application; These issues have been escalated by Level 1
  • Decide if you want to create an errors or a work price tag for issues that require a go to to the user’s PC or workstation

Stage 1

  • Receive initial inquiries via phone or email, and accurate errors and issues with relatively easy hardware, software or network
  • Detect and scale difficult Level 2 support troubles
  • The call pastime is registered.
Hard skills can get you the job, but soft skills will help you take it to the next level. Finding  IT help desk jobs near me

Friday, May 29, 2020

Help desk manager Skills and Responsibilities

This job is for the skilled candidate this activity demands at the least three-5 years of position within the managerial cadre. This process requires experience in handling customers/clients. This activity calls for the following abilties and qualifications.

Skills and qualifications to come to be a Help table manager

  • Firstly, the character making use of for this position must have robust management features to control a team of humans below him.
  • Strong communication and interpersonal talents both oral and written is essential for this activity. It should be a crew leader and lead for instance to the group
  • Three to 5 years of managerial enjoy and having professional experience or certifications in assist center control is an advantage.* Must have good enough know-how in VoIP systems, Microsoft workplace and different software, that is required for the activity.

Top duties of a help desk job description 

  • Responsible for recruiting/education and scheduling obligations to proper individuals for the organization.
  • Responsible for providing higher stage of pride to the customers/customers, monitor and make assessment on the first-rate of the decision and also observe down the client/customer remarks approximately what they feel about the assist.
  • Constant monitoring of tendencies and changes and should recognise a way to enhance the customer delight tiers using today's methodologies.
  • Ensure that the dreams / productivity stages are met on time, if not make arrangements consisting of recruiting more people for that particular assignment and complete the dreams on time.
  • Provide training to the sub ordinates of his/her group and educate them how to politely communicate to the customers/customers and make them actually work as a unit making them realize that customers/customers are king.
  • Participate on all of the senior management meetings, positioned forward suggestions at the improvement, adjustments and trends.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

What does it take to be a service desk Technician ?

The IT Helpdesk bot is equipped to handle real time signals and manage incidents, protection and outage. Chatbots lessen price ticket prices and boom the productivity of IT helpdesk workforce by arranging tickets primarily based on priority.

IT Helpdesk bot’s capabilities encompass high-velocity response, 24×7 availability, elimination of calls, real time signals, seamless integration into current self service systems and agency level protection. This can unfastened up the time of IT employees by way of accomplishing easy responsibilities like resetting passwords, troubleshooting and more. The conversational interface of chatbots permit customers to get answers by means of asking one query at a time.

If the user is unable to locate solution for his query, the bot automatically initiates the price ticket issuance process.

The scope of work may be similarly programmed to fulfill the service requests inside your organization. In the approaching years, the adoption price of chatbots is most effective going to develop and businesses will rework into tech-enabled conversational gadgets in preference to silo systems depending on redundant human resources.

If you’re thinking about to deploy chatbots for IT helpdesk, do check out our IT helpdesk bot which is currently used in several Fortune companies. If you want more information, test out our current eBook on choosing the first-rate bot-builder platfrom.

Find the latest help desk positions near you. New help desk position are posted every day. Find out what best fits your career Path  

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

What does it take to be a service desk Technician ?

A assist table technician need to have understanding and enjoy of laptop networks and systems, programs, and cell devices, however this is not the best requirement. Although desk technicians possess a good expertise of information technology, it's miles equally important to have soft abilties, such as conversation skills and popularity of the importance of customer service.

IT table technicians are often the primary port of call for a client who is experiencing technical issues, and they should act as an extension of the brand. As a consumer, when you have a negative enjoy with an operator that takes your call, this affects the way you view a brand, and it may convince you to appearance elsewhere. Desk technicians ought to be polite, affected person and courteous, and they should also be capable of clarify conditions and offer useful records and advice.

Communication capabilities are vital, no longer completely to go away a high quality impression, however additionally to bridge the distance between the caller and the technician. Often, desk technicians speak to people who don’t have a technical background, so it’s critical to be able to break down information and do away with jargon.

Find the latest service desk jobs Opportunity near you. New service desk jobs are posted every day. Find out what best fits your career Path. 

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Service Desk Analyst Responsibilities

While the service desk analyst’s  obligations can rely upon their association and level of mastery, a large number of the center obligations continue as before:

Field Incoming Help Requests 

One of the primary obligations of an assistance work area expert is to deal with approaching inquiries and help demands from end clients, either by means of email or via telephone. They take point by point notes of the issue the client is encountering, decide steps they can take to determine the issue, and deal with the progression of approaching help demands. This includes posing inquiries to decide the full extent of the client's issue.

Resolve IT Support Requests 

On the off chance that conceivable, administration work area investigators legitimately resolve client specialized issues as they show up. At certain associations, this can include remotely getting to the client's PC and making changes to their framework and settings. In different cases, the administration work area expert strolls the client through advances they can take to determine the issue without anyone else. For generally basic issues, the administration work area expert can rapidly devise an answer for the issue without the IT division making further move.

Raise Advanced Cases 

Administration work area investigators raise client bolster solicitations to more significant level IT bolster authorities and specialists in the event that they can't resolve the issue individually. They furnish managers or experts with notes in regards to the issue, steps they have just taken to determine the issue, and their conclusion of the client's concern. For especially complex cases, the administration work area investigator may get the client's equipment with the goal that IT masters can direct examinations and decide how to fix the issue.

Keep up Service Records 

All through the client bolster process, administration work area experts keep up nitty gritty records of client issues with programming and equipment. These notes can help analyze and fix complex issues and furthermore furnish IT divisions with information in regards to repeating issues and issues detailed by different clients. By keeping up point by point records, the administration work area expert can likewise take a gander at a client's history of programming or equipment issues and make proposals to forestall future issues.

More info:   service desk roles

Friday, May 22, 2020

Help desk or desktop support job:

Ticket maintenance
Help desk requests are tracked using a ticketing system. The most efficient help desks have standards set for ticket quality, like average time to resolution and percentage of tickets that are escalated to higher levels.

These standards are used to measure the quality of service, as well as to detect trends in product quality. This is why a help desk analyst must regularly maintain tickets.

These professionals typically spend a portion of the workday reviewing existing tickets and looking for cases that should be closed, following up with users where appropriate, and setting reminders for future action.

Help desk analysts who deal with especially time-sensitive issues will spend a larger share of their day on ticket maintenance and following up on reminders to make sure their tickets are on track for a speedy resolution.

A more experienced help desk analyst, such as a Tier 3 technician, will likely spend time training and coaching others in addition to solving more complex IT issues.

Tier 3 professionals are also expected to maintain documentation such as knowledge base articles or FAQs, and inspect the ticketing system for trends to help drive improvements to the help desk as well as IT products. Devising preventive solutions is one example of how a Tier 3 help desk analyst specifically adds value to the organization.

Read More: helpdesk jobs near me

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Help Desk Technician Entry Level Jobs

IT help desk job description

Provide technical help to computer users. Answer questions or solve computer issues for clients in person, or via phone or electronically. May provide assistance regarding the use of computer hardware and software, together with printing, installation, word processing, electronic mail, and working systems.

Responds to and diagnoses issues through dialogue with customers. Ensures a well timed process thru which issues are controlled. Includes trouble recognition, research, isolation, resolution, and follow-up steps. Supervises operation of help desk and serves as focal factor for purchaser concerns. Provides guide to end customers on quite a few issues.

Identifies, researches, and resolves technical troubles. Responds to smartphone calls, e mail and employees requests for technical guide. Documents, tracks, and monitors the problem to ensure a timely resolution. Provides second-tier guide to quit customers for both PC, server, or mainframe programs or hardware.

Interact with community services, software systems engineering, and/or packages development to restore service and/or pick out and accurate core trouble. Simulates or recreates user troubles to remedy working difficulties. Recommends structures changes to reduce user troubles.


  • AS/AA diploma in Computer Science, Information Sciences, or associated IT discipline.


  • Three (3) years of directly related experience supporting help desk Tier 1 operations, preferably supporting a large-scale government purchaser.
  • One (1) year of IT Problem Solving/Troubleshooting revel in.
  • One (1) yr of experience with remote management tools.
  • IAT Level II baseline certification according with DoD 8570.01-M, Information Assurance Workforce Improvement Program, (or reap inside six months of TOA or hiring)

Help Desk: functions that raise the level of business performance

Synonymous with Help Desk: functions that increase the image of excellence for the customer and more than that. This should be the performance of this unit of the organization. At the same time, the level of the entire business also rises.

Beyond reviewing your specific tasks, it is important to emphasize three essential aspects that a Help Desk unit must fulfill: functions that are key to achieving company success.

Many organizations focus on managing the numbers of reported incidents, trying to find out who attended them or who has the most resolved requests. That's fine. But it's also important to focus on how quickly you can respond to the customer's call. That is indispensable.

Likewise, it is a priority to evaluate the skills of the human team that is managing technological resources and that responds to users. Their role is decisive in achieving the goal of making the client feel well attended and, above all, satisfied.

Another key factor is the technology that is used to make the tasks of the Help Desk. It is essential that the chosen tools serve to respond in the best possible way. However, they also need to be able to predict customer behavior and to make data processing more efficient.

Keeping up to date with procedures and resources should be a priority for companies. That's fine. However, putting yourself in the customer's shoes and understanding what you want regarding the product or service offered by the business will always be above any other matter. This is a part of making you feel satisfied.

More info:   help desk technician jobs near me

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Help-Desk solutions - implementation and assistance

Depending on your objectives and the incidents they may cause, it is very important to consider the type of assistance you want to give to your clients. Unitel offers you  two Help-Desk solutions   with the guarantee of being a qualified support at the service of its clients:
  • Support 365
  • Integral Help-Desk
  1. Support 365   :When IT (Information Technology) problems cannot wait, our helpdesk is available 24 hours a day to give you the solution to your incident / failure. Contact our support team, Help-Desk Solutions, and speak to an IT specialist technician in less than 60 seconds. This always available resource is staffed with certified technicians who are ready, at all times, to assist anyone in your business or organization. Not all Help-Desk supports are created equal. Thanks to our Remote Control technology, our certified technicians are able to see exactly what is happening on the user's PC screen, and even take control of the PC when simple instructions are not enough to fix the problem. As a result, All you need is a phone and an Internet connection.
  2. Comprehensive Help-Desk Solutions : We offer comprehensive Help-Desk services to clients who require a full-service resource center with certified technicians, full or part time. We can offer you a complete solution, with a personalized, permanent service tailored to your needs. Our Comprehensive Help-Desk solutionsallow your organization to benefit from highly qualified and technically certified personnel, anywhere and anytime, without having to worry about hiring such human resources or other related tasks.
Comprehensive Help-Desk offers much more than just remote support personnel and without having to deploy a complete support infrastructure. Provides:
  • Certified staff.
  • 24 × 7 coverage capacity, 365 days a year.
  • A remote online support.
  • A service manager always at your disposal.
  • A ticket system to keep track of the resolution of your incidents or breakdowns.
  • An incident reporting and status tools web service for end users.
  • Staggered levels of service.
  • Incident / breakdown escalation to other levels of support available.
  • Service satisfaction surveys.
More info:   help desk job

Monday, May 18, 2020

Help Desk Manager Jobs 2020 May

IT Managed Services Provider seeking a highly motivated Help Desk Manager to join our growing company.Our team assists local business by providing comprehensive technology solutions for their company’s internal technology. The Help Desk Manager is a critical member of our technical team.The Role:The Help Desk Manager works directly with our clients and technical team to ensure the delivery of high quality, accurate, and helpful technical support.This role is both technical and management.The ability to work as a team, find the right resource, and ask the right questions is the key to success in this role.
  • Quality Analysis (QA) of closed help desk requests
  • Ensure proper documentation and communication with clients
  • Escalate requests, pull in teammates, or ask for help in when needed
  • Identify reoccurring issues and engage the right team members to bring issues to a close
  • Respond to client customer service requests
  • Collaborate and work with teammates on new and ongoing customer service requests
  • Create documentation in conjunction with the tech team about common problems / fixes, computer systems, servers, and network layouts
  • Work in a fast paced environment with deadlines
  • Track courier dispatches, deliveries, and shipments
  • Ensure inventory is fully and accurately documented
  • Handle logistics around the technical team like setting schedules and dispatching technicians
  • Communicate clearly and effectively with team members
Read More:  desk jobs near me

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The required qualifications for the IT helpdesk Technician position

Are you passionate about information technology? Would you like to boost your career as someone who manages technical support? If so, this is the ideal opportunity for you! We are currently searching for an IT helpdesk technician to be part of our team of professionals who specialize in Hardware and Software Procurement. As the chosen IT helpdesk technician, you will be the primary point of contact for IT users.
Your tasks as an IT helpdesk Technician:
  • Diagnose hardware, software and network problems, and maintain detailed records of symptoms and steps taken to resolve in the helpdesk database
  • Perform the installment and maintenance of desktop computer hardware and software
  • Produce documentation for the use of IT systems and software
  • Onboarding for all new company employees and provide training as needed
  • Sustain current and accurate inventory of technology hardware, software and resources
  • Proactively identify opportunities to evolve and improve the IT support delivery systems
  • Make recommendations to the company Team about future planning and development of IT resources with an emphasis on maximizing end user productivity and return on investment
  • Create and maintain regular written and in-person communications with the organization executives, department heads and end users regarding pertinent IT activities
  • Perform other related duties as assigned
The required qualifications for the IT helpdesk Technician position:
  • Must have a minimum of 2 years of experience in a Support Role
  • Must have experience completing or managing IT activities in a highly regulated environment
  • Must be able to quickly research and self-educate on new information, technologies and methods
  • Be detail oriented and comfortable in a fast-paced, rapidly changing work environment requiring the ability to prioritize and multi-task
  • Must be able to work independently with minimal oversight as well as in groups with individuals of differing technical backgrounds
  • Good oral and written communication skills (English with French being a strong asset)
  • Must be able to regularly complete IT operations and project within established timelines
  • Must have strong Knowledge of Microsoft Office Products is required
  • Active directory and TCP-IP experience are strong assets
  • Must know how to work with Windows Server and Virtual Machines such as VMWare
  • Be a well-organized individual be well and maintain proper time reporting records

Friday, May 15, 2020

Roles of a Service Desk Manager

A service desk  manager has 3 broad roles to play:

  • General Management
  • Service Operations
  • Special Projects

General Management
In most IT organizations, the service table often represents the largest single function comprising of huge groups with multiple shifts and locations. Managing the carrier table requires trendy people control skills, which involves the following activities:

  • Hiring new technicians.
  • Training technicians.
  • Managing the shift of the technicians.
  • Managing any third-birthday celebration vendors.
  • Defining pleasant techniques.

Cost management and budgeting for the department.
A provider desk manager has to put on many hats. He/she is concerned within the operations to ensure tickets are resolved in a timely manner; he/she might also be worried in other commercial enterprise-impacting initiatives.

Service Operations

Apart from the general control role, a provider desk manager is chargeable for a essential characteristic which is timely carrier delivery.

A provider table approaches a big wide variety of requests, and all of them ought to be resolved inside a defined SLA. The onus is on the provider table manager to ensure the SLA requirements are met, for which the supervisor performs some not unusual carrier operations activities:

Training and Mentoring.

  • Make sure tickets are assigned based totally on workload.
  • SLA tracking and compliance check.
  • Communication and collaboration.
  • Monitor operational performance.


  • Continuous improvement.
  • Manage shift handoffs.

In most organizations, service table operations are based on a preferred framework for example ITIL. In maximum cases, carrier table managers are implementing a framework, and they have a certification and revel in to lower back their work.

Special Projects
Since the provider table is a valuable function in an organization, the carrier desk manager attains critical experience which he/she sometimes uses in other enterprise activities. He/she will either take part at once or oversee a small team worried with the activities.

The purpose of regarding the provider help desk jobs  in unique tasks is to minimize capability disruptions to the commercial enterprise because of any form of changes.